Pearl Modiadie Shoots Her Shot At Lee-Roy Wright

Pearl Modiadie Shoots Her Shot At Lee-Roy Wright

Pearl Modiadie Shoots Her Shot At Lee-Roy Wright

Pearl Modiadie has chosen to shoot her shot at Lee-Roy Wright who guarantees he’s prepared to be a dad. Taking to Twitter, Lee-Roy expressed that he is prepared to be a father and start his very own group.

Indeed, Pearl who is now a mother to her child, Lewatle didn’t spare a moment as she said she is prepared to mother Lee-Roy Wright’s youngster.

The pair would have wonderful “caramel” infants as per Lee-Roy and he’s absolutely up for this new test throughout his life.

Reacting to Pearl’s statement, Lee-Roy said that he wouldn’t mind if Pearl were to mother his child.

He even made a funny comment about them having a “caramel” baby since their child would be mixed race.

“Caramel babies are the dream,” wrote Lee-Roy.


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